Wednesday 28 November 2012

Hello Everyone:
This is the last post in the semester.  Today I´m going to talk about general comments for the English course. 
In general, the English isn´t my favorite language, I prefer learn Italian o French. However I understand that the globalization is a phenomenon expanded in the entire world, and for this reason, writes, speak and think in English is a must in a professional anthropologist.  Even I say that is necessary dominate a native language, such as Mapudungun, kunza, etc., with the propose to facility the communication between anthropologist and communities.
In the University, English is a compulsory subject, and is divided in four stages. Each stage is separate according to level student.  This form, the use of blogs like a learning strategy is used in the level three and four. I consider that is an important tool, because help to student to develop abilities related to dominate the language, specially written skills.
I believe that in my learning process, is necessary learning more about the grammar spoken and written.  I should be more attend to the grammar rules and practice more conversation.  In general, I like speak In English, but I´m so shy.
Out the English class, in my diary life the use of English is relative, because sometimes I need read articles or scientific paper. In this case I don´t use translators, only dictionary, if is strictly necessary.  I thought this way is better, in a certain form; you are impulse to learn for the force and pressure to expire with the responsibilities. Also I listen a lot of music in English, this is my favorite part. And in sometimes I see movies with subtitles. Maybe I will try to see without them.  Anyway, I considerer that the English course was a good experience, and obviously like all the things in the life always learned about everyone.
Good Bye.
Isabella <3

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Hello Everyone:

Today, I´m going to talk about a new connected with my career.  Basically this article is about general aspects of the anthropology.  What is, skills necessary to learn, and places where you work and characteristics in general.
I know this article look at simply and superficial, however I considerer that informed about the career is so important, overcoat If you are in a moment to choose them.  For this reason, this new will be an anthropology report, in an informative way, specially that student interested in this area of social sciences.
Summary, the author` news proposes that the anthropology is a humanistic science dedicates to understand the people, why and how do it the things.  In a few words, how the people to build an own culture, to show it in material expressions like as art, religion, sociopolitical systems, and all about the human.  In this sense the anthropology tries to solve the existential questions about the origin of the life and world.
 The second point is referring to the Anthropology application area. The first area is related to social and cultural anthropology. This dedicated to analyze the people in terms more sociologically, that is possible to complement with others branches of sciences such as sociology, history, linguistic, and others.  For other hand, the second area is refer to an aspect more exactly, where the populations are analyzed in terms biological, for example determine illness,  death reason,  race and genetic aspects.
In this point is necessary to focus on the anthropology formal aspect, here the author to mention the skills that student must be develop along the career, like as capacity of observation, character interdisciplinary, correct oral expressions, and in definitive will be make form to professional curriculum.  Furthermore the news is so clear to explain in that place you can get job, to avoid the preconceived idea (prejudice).  The new finished with a link that conduced to investigated more about master degree in anthropology, and obviously he recommend do it, because allow to specialize  in a area, and authorize the opinion like academic.
Here the new link.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Hello Everyone:

Today I´m going to talk about a movie called The Big Fish.  I saw this movie in my house with my best’s friends when I was going to holidays in the summer.  Specifically we organized a pajama party and saw a lot of movies in the night. The pop corn was the start.
The actors start in the movie are different depend on the personage life stage. For example Edward Bloom (protagonist) is characterized to Albert Finney when he was an elderly.  Ewan Mc Gregor to appear when he was an adult and Perry Waltson in the child.
Refer to co-protagonist, the husband (Sandra Bloom) was interpreted for Jessica Lange in the elderly and Alison Lohman when she was young.
At the moment to classify this movie is complicated, because have a mix of genres. Although I try to choose them. In my opinion this is a drama and comedy genre.  It´s a particular mixing of emotions that finally ending in a true story. Certainly is a story currently for everyone, the problem is, we don´t see moreover that my own space.
In summary this movie is about a relationship between a father and her son.  This relation is special because Edward Bloom (father) is a men to related his life event`s with a touch of fantasy.  For this reason his son bored him, and decides to separate. Edward is finally to dead and to ask see again his son.  Along to the movie, Edward to tell his stories.
I love this movie, first because his creator is Tim Burton. He is my favorite movie director; and second, the plot is so marvelous, everyone scene was design to leave a message, in a luck of life lesson. The main is enjoy the life, and promote the own creativity.  The driving force for the happiness.   
Thank for the comments
Isa <3 

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Hello classmates :
Today, I´m going to talk about to a greatest Chilean all the times. She was Elena Caffarena. This woman was a lawyer, jurist and Chilean politics.  She did a lot of social interventions especially in favor of the labor movement.  She was defending the human rights `workers to appeal dignity.  I think that the relevant of this woman was promoted the feminism in our country, in this sense, was a pioneer in this area.  
She was positioned in a social class privileged, for this reason, she didn’t needed an extra economic support, and was unnecessary study a career because her future husband to keep them. However she chose study law in University of Chile, although her family opposes this.
In 1926 She graduate, and immediately found a job linked to social area. Started with worker schools and culminate with the most important deed: the creation of MEMCH (Pro-Emancipation Movement of Women of Chile) in 1935. This deed was created in joint with Olga Poblete. It was the first women's organization politic towards their demands. This can be summarizing in the economic, political and biological emancipation women.
For this time the women was consigning to depend the father or brother, this is a men.  And didn’t had right to vote. The woman was considered a lower human.  Before this background, Elena decided to act and worked in promoted the female vote so much national and local elections.  I believe that her deeds were important because contributed to integrate the women opinion in the public discussion and of course allowed grow up the country.
If I would to meet Elena Caffarena, I would ask: which are the consequences, and in that measure, to involve that fight’ causes in the personal life?  This question looks simply, but is complex, more over if we thought about the persons who promote an idea, to feel emotions and experiment success and failures.
This all for today, thanks for comments.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Today I´m going to talk about a very special gift for me. This is the book called "A orillas del río piedra me senté y lloré ". I love this book, first because it belongs to the collection of my favorite author, Paulo Coelho, and second because I loved the prose and history teach fundamental values ​​and attitudes face to face life.
This gift my mother gave me for Christmas when I was 16 years old. She told me more than a book, it was an invitation to reflect on the meaning of the things we do and what we feel. The important thing is not success, but to love and be fully happy.

Currently, the book is in my personal library, I read it several times and I have it available when I want inspiration. For me it is a real source of creativity and inspiration as I connect with myself.

By the way, this book besides being a spiritual guide, as long they have called, also is an excellent overview about the way we learn, basically trial and error, and how our decisions affect others, and then we must remember that life is one and it includes all those around us.

I hope you liked it, to me at least I loved doing this post, and I welcome your comments.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Hello everyone:
Today, I´m talking about the exposition’ video Mark Pagel.  I´m agree with them, but only punctual points.  For example I agree in the idea that the language is a powerful army and involved a social learning based in the imitation.  However I´m disagree in the point that the animals would be lower that human.  In first place, Mr. Pagel be a speciesist, obviously he is a science men, for this reason he believe that in the power of natural selection like a benefit in  favor of  the human.  But, nobody today know about the exactly origin the language and the point in the history evolution that the human way separate that the chimpanzee.  For this reason I believe that Pagel is wrong, because he lack of background that affirm this point. All that him say is a suppose.  Moreover he doesn’t show the investigation to support his affirmations.
In relation to my language I think so that the Spanish, like other language, is important for the identity formation while his operate like a way of expression, because we could communicate a lot of ideas that the mind allow; although the imagination is infinite.  This processes his called view of the world.  Thanks to this imaginary we build our culture. The culture don’t consist in the materials or the hand axes that explain Pagel, it is in each one of the persons.


Wednesday 26 September 2012


I hope you are fine and plenty of energy to the rest of term¡
I´m going to talk about the national holidays. This year is special for me, because it’s my first celebration like a vegetarian.  I think this situation to look horrible, but was very quiet and funny.  In this time, I could rest in my house, sleep a lot in comparison with jobs days. Also I went to visit my grandmother, and I share a lot of experiences with my family, for example we cooked vegetarian pasty, are a marvelous, and the best part,  was made without a animal pain. :D This friendly pasty contains soya protein, sweet corn, tomatoes in cubes, and a touch of oregano. 
Furthermore I was going out with my friends, Crhis, Pablo and Paulina to visit someone “Fondas” in Santiago. We were visited National Stadium and O´higgins Park.  In this place I flew to kite but I´m not very well, and chop the thread. The kite was a total wreck.  Paulina was a total expert and all the time dominates the kite even look a bird in the heaven.  After all the game, we went to drink something, because the weather was very hot.  I drank a guaraná juice and my friends “terremotos”.  Later I went to dance cumbias and someone cuecas, because I hadn’t a handkerchief.  All the people spoil me for the matter, but I only to ignore and laugh roar with laughter for the situation.
I like this national holiday because I considered was appropriate with my personal ethics and I´m very happy for this reason, maybe someone people tell me: you are a dreamer.  Maybe possible, maybe or not. 

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Hello Everyone:
Today I`m talking about my best friend.  He is Crhis.  I have met in the university when I did studied architecture. We did classmates and shared the most of time in the week talked about music, tv- series and movies.  Fridays we did enjoy laugh and drink beer, especially orange vodka, with others friends in the “pircas”.
We have a lot of things in common, for example similar groups of music such as Incubus <3, Queen of the Stones Age, Sevenged Fold, Nirvana, Aerosmith and others.  Furthermore, we share similar passions. We love the colors, spaces and forms and overcoat the photography.  We have an artistic soul, obviously developed in different ways.  I’m not be able to take photographs, I`m try to catch the essence, but I can´t. My friend is an expert with the camera. Crhis did achieve the perfects moments to inspiration.  His don’t believe me, but I say that his talent is great and must be exploited. In the good sense, of course.
In the holidays I usually see to my friend, but in class I see her maybe twice times in the month.  For the general, we do talk everyday for facebook or phone, but always know about the other.
This is my friend and I love so much¡ <3

Thursday 6 September 2012

Hello everybody:
This is the first blog in the semester. Today I`m going to talk about the first term of 2012.  In this period I studied several subjects, my favourite was archeology II, because I love this subject and all that involved.
In my free time, I did a lot of activities, for example I slept  eigth hours everynight, and in sometimes I going out with friends to disco or maybe the weekends goes to the beach.
Furthermore I was worried about the holidays, because the summer is next to finish¡ For this
reason I try make the most time in funny activities and share with my family and friends. In
general I enjoyed the first therm of 2012, but is a experience to live a only time in the
university life.
Even I say that the first therm of 2012 was a time to learn about the life¡
Good bye.