Wednesday 12 September 2012

Hello Everyone:
Today I`m talking about my best friend.  He is Crhis.  I have met in the university when I did studied architecture. We did classmates and shared the most of time in the week talked about music, tv- series and movies.  Fridays we did enjoy laugh and drink beer, especially orange vodka, with others friends in the “pircas”.
We have a lot of things in common, for example similar groups of music such as Incubus <3, Queen of the Stones Age, Sevenged Fold, Nirvana, Aerosmith and others.  Furthermore, we share similar passions. We love the colors, spaces and forms and overcoat the photography.  We have an artistic soul, obviously developed in different ways.  I’m not be able to take photographs, I`m try to catch the essence, but I can´t. My friend is an expert with the camera. Crhis did achieve the perfects moments to inspiration.  His don’t believe me, but I say that his talent is great and must be exploited. In the good sense, of course.
In the holidays I usually see to my friend, but in class I see her maybe twice times in the month.  For the general, we do talk everyday for facebook or phone, but always know about the other.
This is my friend and I love so much¡ <3


  1. having a best friend man's best!
    Hey! your background makes me dizzy haha @.@

  2. Sometimes, the friends that we make in the University become so important in our lives.
    I miss my friends of Pharmacy. They are good persons, crazy people sometimes xd but good in their hearts.
