Wednesday 28 November 2012

Hello Everyone:
This is the last post in the semester.  Today I´m going to talk about general comments for the English course. 
In general, the English isn´t my favorite language, I prefer learn Italian o French. However I understand that the globalization is a phenomenon expanded in the entire world, and for this reason, writes, speak and think in English is a must in a professional anthropologist.  Even I say that is necessary dominate a native language, such as Mapudungun, kunza, etc., with the propose to facility the communication between anthropologist and communities.
In the University, English is a compulsory subject, and is divided in four stages. Each stage is separate according to level student.  This form, the use of blogs like a learning strategy is used in the level three and four. I consider that is an important tool, because help to student to develop abilities related to dominate the language, specially written skills.
I believe that in my learning process, is necessary learning more about the grammar spoken and written.  I should be more attend to the grammar rules and practice more conversation.  In general, I like speak In English, but I´m so shy.
Out the English class, in my diary life the use of English is relative, because sometimes I need read articles or scientific paper. In this case I don´t use translators, only dictionary, if is strictly necessary.  I thought this way is better, in a certain form; you are impulse to learn for the force and pressure to expire with the responsibilities. Also I listen a lot of music in English, this is my favorite part. And in sometimes I see movies with subtitles. Maybe I will try to see without them.  Anyway, I considerer that the English course was a good experience, and obviously like all the things in the life always learned about everyone.
Good Bye.
Isabella <3


  1. I agree with you Isabella, the English course was a good experience :)

  2. I agree with you, English help us so much in the drafting and understanding of the paper of our career.

  3. the movies and music help very much to understand the english of better way
