Wednesday 17 October 2012

Hello classmates :
Today, I´m going to talk about to a greatest Chilean all the times. She was Elena Caffarena. This woman was a lawyer, jurist and Chilean politics.  She did a lot of social interventions especially in favor of the labor movement.  She was defending the human rights `workers to appeal dignity.  I think that the relevant of this woman was promoted the feminism in our country, in this sense, was a pioneer in this area.  
She was positioned in a social class privileged, for this reason, she didn’t needed an extra economic support, and was unnecessary study a career because her future husband to keep them. However she chose study law in University of Chile, although her family opposes this.
In 1926 She graduate, and immediately found a job linked to social area. Started with worker schools and culminate with the most important deed: the creation of MEMCH (Pro-Emancipation Movement of Women of Chile) in 1935. This deed was created in joint with Olga Poblete. It was the first women's organization politic towards their demands. This can be summarizing in the economic, political and biological emancipation women.
For this time the women was consigning to depend the father or brother, this is a men.  And didn’t had right to vote. The woman was considered a lower human.  Before this background, Elena decided to act and worked in promoted the female vote so much national and local elections.  I believe that her deeds were important because contributed to integrate the women opinion in the public discussion and of course allowed grow up the country.
If I would to meet Elena Caffarena, I would ask: which are the consequences, and in that measure, to involve that fight’ causes in the personal life?  This question looks simply, but is complex, more over if we thought about the persons who promote an idea, to feel emotions and experiment success and failures.
This all for today, thanks for comments.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Today I´m going to talk about a very special gift for me. This is the book called "A orillas del río piedra me senté y lloré ". I love this book, first because it belongs to the collection of my favorite author, Paulo Coelho, and second because I loved the prose and history teach fundamental values ​​and attitudes face to face life.
This gift my mother gave me for Christmas when I was 16 years old. She told me more than a book, it was an invitation to reflect on the meaning of the things we do and what we feel. The important thing is not success, but to love and be fully happy.

Currently, the book is in my personal library, I read it several times and I have it available when I want inspiration. For me it is a real source of creativity and inspiration as I connect with myself.

By the way, this book besides being a spiritual guide, as long they have called, also is an excellent overview about the way we learn, basically trial and error, and how our decisions affect others, and then we must remember that life is one and it includes all those around us.

I hope you liked it, to me at least I loved doing this post, and I welcome your comments.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Hello everyone:
Today, I´m talking about the exposition’ video Mark Pagel.  I´m agree with them, but only punctual points.  For example I agree in the idea that the language is a powerful army and involved a social learning based in the imitation.  However I´m disagree in the point that the animals would be lower that human.  In first place, Mr. Pagel be a speciesist, obviously he is a science men, for this reason he believe that in the power of natural selection like a benefit in  favor of  the human.  But, nobody today know about the exactly origin the language and the point in the history evolution that the human way separate that the chimpanzee.  For this reason I believe that Pagel is wrong, because he lack of background that affirm this point. All that him say is a suppose.  Moreover he doesn’t show the investigation to support his affirmations.
In relation to my language I think so that the Spanish, like other language, is important for the identity formation while his operate like a way of expression, because we could communicate a lot of ideas that the mind allow; although the imagination is infinite.  This processes his called view of the world.  Thanks to this imaginary we build our culture. The culture don’t consist in the materials or the hand axes that explain Pagel, it is in each one of the persons.
