Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Hello Everyone:
This is the last post in the semester.  Today I´m going to talk about general comments for the English course. 
In general, the English isn´t my favorite language, I prefer learn Italian o French. However I understand that the globalization is a phenomenon expanded in the entire world, and for this reason, writes, speak and think in English is a must in a professional anthropologist.  Even I say that is necessary dominate a native language, such as Mapudungun, kunza, etc., with the propose to facility the communication between anthropologist and communities.
In the University, English is a compulsory subject, and is divided in four stages. Each stage is separate according to level student.  This form, the use of blogs like a learning strategy is used in the level three and four. I consider that is an important tool, because help to student to develop abilities related to dominate the language, specially written skills.
I believe that in my learning process, is necessary learning more about the grammar spoken and written.  I should be more attend to the grammar rules and practice more conversation.  In general, I like speak In English, but I´m so shy.
Out the English class, in my diary life the use of English is relative, because sometimes I need read articles or scientific paper. In this case I don´t use translators, only dictionary, if is strictly necessary.  I thought this way is better, in a certain form; you are impulse to learn for the force and pressure to expire with the responsibilities. Also I listen a lot of music in English, this is my favorite part. And in sometimes I see movies with subtitles. Maybe I will try to see without them.  Anyway, I considerer that the English course was a good experience, and obviously like all the things in the life always learned about everyone.
Good Bye.
Isabella <3

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Hello Everyone:

Today, I´m going to talk about a new connected with my career.  Basically this article is about general aspects of the anthropology.  What is, skills necessary to learn, and places where you work and characteristics in general.
I know this article look at simply and superficial, however I considerer that informed about the career is so important, overcoat If you are in a moment to choose them.  For this reason, this new will be an anthropology report, in an informative way, specially that student interested in this area of social sciences.
Summary, the author` news proposes that the anthropology is a humanistic science dedicates to understand the people, why and how do it the things.  In a few words, how the people to build an own culture, to show it in material expressions like as art, religion, sociopolitical systems, and all about the human.  In this sense the anthropology tries to solve the existential questions about the origin of the life and world.
 The second point is referring to the Anthropology application area. The first area is related to social and cultural anthropology. This dedicated to analyze the people in terms more sociologically, that is possible to complement with others branches of sciences such as sociology, history, linguistic, and others.  For other hand, the second area is refer to an aspect more exactly, where the populations are analyzed in terms biological, for example determine illness,  death reason,  race and genetic aspects.
In this point is necessary to focus on the anthropology formal aspect, here the author to mention the skills that student must be develop along the career, like as capacity of observation, character interdisciplinary, correct oral expressions, and in definitive will be make form to professional curriculum.  Furthermore the news is so clear to explain in that place you can get job, to avoid the preconceived idea (prejudice).  The new finished with a link that conduced to investigated more about master degree in anthropology, and obviously he recommend do it, because allow to specialize  in a area, and authorize the opinion like academic.
Here the new link.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Hello Everyone:

Today I´m going to talk about a movie called The Big Fish.  I saw this movie in my house with my best’s friends when I was going to holidays in the summer.  Specifically we organized a pajama party and saw a lot of movies in the night. The pop corn was the start.
The actors start in the movie are different depend on the personage life stage. For example Edward Bloom (protagonist) is characterized to Albert Finney when he was an elderly.  Ewan Mc Gregor to appear when he was an adult and Perry Waltson in the child.
Refer to co-protagonist, the husband (Sandra Bloom) was interpreted for Jessica Lange in the elderly and Alison Lohman when she was young.
At the moment to classify this movie is complicated, because have a mix of genres. Although I try to choose them. In my opinion this is a drama and comedy genre.  It´s a particular mixing of emotions that finally ending in a true story. Certainly is a story currently for everyone, the problem is, we don´t see moreover that my own space.
In summary this movie is about a relationship between a father and her son.  This relation is special because Edward Bloom (father) is a men to related his life event`s with a touch of fantasy.  For this reason his son bored him, and decides to separate. Edward is finally to dead and to ask see again his son.  Along to the movie, Edward to tell his stories.
I love this movie, first because his creator is Tim Burton. He is my favorite movie director; and second, the plot is so marvelous, everyone scene was design to leave a message, in a luck of life lesson. The main is enjoy the life, and promote the own creativity.  The driving force for the happiness.   
Thank for the comments
Isa <3